K2 BASE CAMP TREK 2022  - 15 Days


Get the lifetime opportunity to perform the K2 Basecamp Expedition with K2land.Pk

Tour Details

K2 Base Camp Trek 2022

The K2 base camp trek is a dream trekking destination for all mountaineers and trekkers alike. Trekking and travel to K2 Base Camp takes around 16 days. Participants have 2 locations to start, either start journey from Islamabad or begins their tour at Skardu  and move towards the oasis village of Askole. After leaving Askole, trekkers take the path to Bakhor Das – Mango Peak, Trango Towers and the Cathedral. The Baltoro Glacier presents the first 7,000m peaks of Muztagh Tower and Masherbrum.

The next step in the expedition is the Gasherbrum Range, and after another day of walking you will reach the ‘Throne of Mountain Gods’ – Concordia. This magnificent natural amphitheater is undoubtedly the best campsite in the entire world.

After trekking out of Concordia, you then stay the night at the base camp of Broad Peak at an altitude of about 5,000m. The final push in the expedition takes you to the magnificent K2 base camp. The return journey to Askole from the K2 base camp is through the Braldu Valley.

Why K2 Base Camp?

The K2 Mountain is the world’s second tallest mountain at 8,611m located in the Karakoram Mountain Range. Although, the K2 is just over 200m shorter than Mt. Everest, K2 offers greater thrill and a better hiking experience. The K2 base camp is located at a height of 5,150m and is easily one of the best hiking destinations on planet Earth.

On your journey trekking to the K2 base camp, at Concordia you can witness spectacular views of four 8,000m mountain peaks – a sight that is possible at only a few other places in the entire world! As you trek through Karakoram, you will see seven of the world’s 19 highest mountains.

mountaineering highlights:

  • Reached Camp III (7,080m) of Mt. Everest in 2017
  • Up to 6,100m on Gasherbrum II in 2019
  • Reached 6,630m on Gasherbrum I in 2018
  • Reached summit of Spantik (7,027m) as part of the Pak-China Friendship Expedition in 2012

Why Choose Us for the K2 Base Camp Expedition ?

  • Premium K2 Base camp trekking Services 

We are providing premium services that meet international standards by collaborating with the best outfitter service provider.

  • Seamless service

With no corners cut when it comes to camping equipment and support staff, you are bound to have an experience of your lifetime.

A Package that covers everything in your trip from the beginning till the end !

The K2land.Pk K2 Base Camp Expedition package includes the following;

  • Flight to and back from Skardu
  • Hotel stay in Skardu
  • Jeep transfer to Askole
  • Shared camping to K2 base Camp and back
  • Mess and kitchen tent with support staff
  • Daily breakfast and 2 meals with 2 dishes choice
  • Portage of equipment and luggage by professional porters
  • Insurance of staff and guide ; Group member insurance available to purchase
  • Services of professional guide and camp manager


Why Choose This Package?

  • Premium Services, Food and Transportation
  • End to End Services Included
  • Flights to - from Islamabad and Skardu
  • Only Expedition in Pakistan Providing Premium Services and Guided Expedition with World Class Mountaineer


Day 1
Flight to Skardu

Early hours transfer to airport for flight to Skardu, which is very spectacular mountain flight but very dependent on weather conditions. Alternately, we take two day drive to Skardu, along the Karakorum Highway. We stay overnight at Chilas, over heading by the Nanga Parbat, the second highest peak in Pakistan.

Day 2
Skardu (2350m)

In case the flight operate than we have a free day for sight-seeing, acclimatization and preparations at Skardu, the capital of Baltistan and the gateway to great Karakorum mountains.

If we are driving the road journey today will be 7-8 hrs to Skardu (275km) along the Indus River. On route are spectacular views of Nanga Parbat (8125m), Haramosh peaks etc. Afternoon briefing in the Ministry of Tourism, Skardu. Meals and overnight hotel.

Day 3
Drive to Julla (3200m)

Having an early breakfast we start our jeep journey(6-7hrs) along the Shigar and Braldu valleys to Askoli village (3050m), the last permanent settlement of Shigar Valley. This seven hours hard drive is an extremely spectacular and fascinating journey through little changed traditional villages and orchards. Overnight in tents.

Day 4
Trek To Paiju (3450m)

We leave Jhola early for Paiju (3450m). Most of the way is easy mainly at riverside of Braldu River. 7 – 8 hours walking in a hot and dry conditions and crossing many side streams we will reach Paiju afternoon. The Masherbrum group on our right side and whilst ahead of us we gradually begin to see the spires and towers of Trango and Cathedral groups. Today we will also see the snout of the Baltoro Glacier. Dinner and overnight in tents.

Day 5
Trek to Urdukas (4200m)

Today we will cross the Baltoro Glacier which is hard but rewarding with the fascinating views of Paiju Peak, Trango Towers, Lobsang Spires, Grand Cathedral, Uli Biafo and many other needle like rock peaks.. We cross the glacier to the southern side and continue along an ablation valley to our campsite at Urdukas. Meals and overnight in tents.

Day 6
Urdukas 4200m

A relaxation, acclimatization and preparations day at Paiju. Meals and overnight in tents.

Day 7
Trek to Goro (4300m)

Trek to Goro from Urdukas is easy due to the bare glacier. There are breathtaking views all around us. Heading ahead there are Broad Peak (8047m) and Gasherbrum IV (7925m) on the right side the Mashabrum Group and the left the Trango group of peaks situated. 4-5 hours trekking and overnight in tents.

Day 8
Trek to Concordia (4650m)

After three to four trek, today, we will reach Concordia, the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods. All around us guarding by the world’s highest peaks including the K2 (8611m) the second highest mountain in the world, Gasherbrum I (8068m), Broad Peak(8047m), Gashabrum-II (8035m) and Chogolisa (7665m). We will camp at the confluence of the Baltoro and Godwin Austin Glaciers.

Day 9
Rest/Exploration Day

A free day at Concordia or day trip to K-2 BC

Day 10
Goro II

We begin the return trek descending first to Goro II where we have magnificent views of the surrounding granite spires and towers. Camp.

Day 11

We continue our descent of the Baltoro glacier, today reaching as far as Horbose where we make camp off the glacier for the first time in several days.

Day 12

Crossing the Baltoro to its north side beneath the towers of Uli Biaho we finally climb down its snout to reach a good trail back to the spring oasis of Paiju. Camp.

Day 13

Crossing the Baltoro to its north side beneath the towers of Uli Biaho we finally climb down its snout to reach a good trail back to the spring oasis of Paiju. Camp.

Day 14

Following the Braldu River downstream, we make the detour into the Panma Valley to the Julla. Camp.

Day 15
Drive to Skardu

5-6 hours jeep ride will take us to Skardu along the Shyok and Indus Rivers. Afternoon de-breifing at Ministry of Tourism, Skardu. Meals and overnight at hotel.

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